Big Data Technologies
Learn the fundamentals of Big Data technologies and gain insights into how they can be leveraged for data analysis and business intelligence.
This training program offers a comprehensive understanding of Big Data technologies, including Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases. Participants will learn how to process large datasets, perform data analysis, and apply machine learning algorithms. The program also covers the principles of data security, scalability, and real-time analytics. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the skills to manage and utilize Big Data technologies effectively.
Course Syllabus
- Introduction to Big Data
- Understanding Hadoop
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- MapReduce and YARN
- Apache Spark Fundamentals
- Spark Streaming and Machine Learning
- Enhancing Performance with Spark
- Introduction to NoSQL Databases
- MongoDB and Cassandra
- Hands-on Projects and Case Studies
- Data Security and Privacy
- Real-time Analytics
- Scalability and Data Management
- Data Visualization Techniques
- Introduction to Apache Kafka
- Big Data Architectures
- Data Warehousing and Data Lakes
- Big Data Analytics Platforms
- Machine Learning with Big Data
- Big Data Challenges and Future Trends
Course Additional Information
Basic knowledge of programming and databases.
Start date | End date | Price in $USD | Start time | End time | Target Audience | Meetings | Code | |||||
01.01.1970 | 01.01.1970 | 00:00 | 00:00 | -A |